Friday, November 25, 2011

If one person with blood type O+ married with one person carrying the Rhesus–ve (Rh-) blood, Dangerous or not?

85% of most people are Rh+ve, that means each person have antigen on their red blood cells (RBCs) for the Rh factor. People without Rh factor antigen are Rh-ve.

Rh factor may play a pivotal role in baby health. Each people having different blood types which contain specific proteins to that blood type on the surface of RBCs.

Rh incompatibility usually isn't a problem if it's the mother first pregnancy because, unless there's some sort of abnormality, the fetus blood does not normally enter the mother circulatory system during the course of the pregnancy.

However, during delivery, the mother and baby blood can intermingle. If this happens, the mother body recognizes the Rh protein as a foreign substance and can begin producing antibodies (protein molecules in the immune system that recognize, and later work to destroy, foreign substances) against the Rh proteins introduced into her blood.

Other ways Rh-ve pregnant women can be exposed to the Rh protein that might cause antibody production include blood transfusions with Rh+ve blood, miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancy.

Each of four blood types is additionally classified according to the presence of another protein on the surface of RBCs that indicates Rh factor.

If one person carrying either blood type A or B or AB or O protein, this person Rh+ve. While If another person not carry abovementioned protein, this person Rh-ve.

Let say, If one pregnant woman is carrying the baby that is Rh+ve, and the mother has antibody to the Rh-ve antigen, those antibody can attack the baby RBCs and cause swelling and rupture of RBCs. This phenomena can lead to complications to the baby including anaemia, jaundice, brain damage, heart failure, and other blood related problems. Its also can lead to fatal because too many RBCs have been destroyed.

If pregnant woman already have antibody for the Rh factor. Dr. Will monitor pregnant woman and baby closely. If a baby is Rh-ve, no treatment is needed.

If both baby mother and father have Rh-ve blood type, baby will be Rh-ve. However, Rh+ve fathers can produce either Rh-ve or Rh+ve factor.

First and most important tests – The blood type test, it’s to determines the blood type and Rh factor.
If baby is Rh-ve, Dr. Will run tests to monitor baby status:
-       Take mother blood for antibody level
-       Check amniotic fluid for breakdown of baby RBCs
-       And the ultimate goal will be to hold of delivery untill the baby is mature at around 36 – 37 weeks, but it may be necessary to deliver baby early, if baby shows signs of distress.

Let say, another phenomena. If a one woman who is Rh-ve and a man who is Rh+ve conceive a baby, there is considerable potential for hemolytic disorders or the Rh disease of newborn to arise as the baby developing inside the Rh-ve mother body may have Rh+ blood, inherited from the father. This is called Rh incompatibility.

How to prevent and Treat the Rh Disease of Newborn.

If woman have the potential to develop Rh incompatibility is pregnant, Dr. Will administer with 2 shots Rh immune-globlin (RhoGAM) during her 1st pregnancy. RhoGAM acts like a vaccine, preventing the mother body from producing any potentially dangerous Rh antibodies than can lead to serious complications in the baby or future pregnancies.
-       The 1st shot is given around the 28th weeks of pregnancy
-       And 2nd within 72 hrs after deliver of the baby.

If you're not sure what your Rh factor is and think you're pregnant, it's important to start regular prenatal care as soon as possible, including blood type testing. With early detection and treatment of Rh incompatibility.

Clinical Case...

Sy ni dh lame Kawen... n dh bnyk kali gugur... n Sy suke bela Kucing... adkh ni slh satu faktor keguguran???

Yup... tu slh satu causes factor... miscarriage... or Recurrent Miscarriage (Keguguran Berulang)... di dlm najis Kucing terdapat Protozoan Parasite yg di kenali sebagai Toxoplasma gondii and causes of Toxoplasmosis... ia memberi jangkitan pd Ibu yg mengandung dan memberi kesan pd Fetus sameada gugur o melahirkn baby pra-matang...

Another Factor like:
- Genetic - Chromosome yg x normal
- System Peranakan x normal
- Fibroid - Wujud in rongga rahim
- Hormone x seimbang...
- Incompetent Cervix - Second Trimester (14 - 24 Weeks) Miscarriage, Trimester Awal/ 1st 3 month - Cervix lemah sejak lahir.
- Pregnant lebih dri usia sepatutnye (40 thn keatas)
- Another Infection: Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Listeria
- Endocrine - Low Progesterone Hormone in Lateal Phase (2 weeks b4 haid)
- Diabetes Mellitus - Pregnant/ b4 pregnant
- Thyroid Gland
- POS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
- Obese

Biasenye soalan cam ni slalu kuar dri mulut patient " Adakah Sy berpeluang utk hamil lgi"??????????????????

Mengikut kadar percetage sebanyak 60 - 70% utk memperolehi baby masih tinggi.

Dan Sy syorkan Pn menjalani beberapa Test like:
- Blood Test
- Ultrasound
- Caryotype
- Test yg di lakukan utk melihat same ad Chromosome yg di wariskn... sama ada normal o tidak...

Clinical Study yg dilakukan berkenaan hormone... suntikkan progesterone hormone pd awal kandungan tidak memberi ape2 kelebihan... & hCG no show any progression.....................

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fibroid & You...

Fibroid are benign growths or tumour on the muscular part of the uterus, specifically on the womb. Fibroid scan be very small or bigger than a grapefruit. They come in multiples, vary greatly in size (from microscopic to up to 40 cm or so) and generate a range of symptoms.

Between in 50 per cent of women over age of 40 have uterine fibroid of a significant size. Some 20 until 40 per cent of women of child bearing age have fibroid. They can grow in various positions on the uterus. It is not known what causes fibroid, however the new research suggests genetics may be responsible, but they are more likely to appear if oestrogen levels are high.


- Heavy or irregular bleeding

- Painful periods

- Pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis or back

- Passing urine more frequently or having difficulty like having a bowel motion swelling of lower abdomen.


- Most fibroid are diagnosed between aged 30 and 40, some time fibroid can diagnose  between aged 20 until 40.

- They are often found when a woman is examined during pregnancy or cervical smear.

Methods of Diagnosing

(I.) Ultrasound scan

(II.) Hysteroscopy

(III.) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) scans.


For 21st century now more develop country produce new equipment for treat and give good services for patients and now various ways to treat fibroid.

Fibroid treatments depending on the:

I)                   Number
II)                 Type
III)              Symptoms
IV)              And age.

Have two types for treated fibroid:

I.)                 Medical Treatments
-    Take medication.
II.)               Surgical Treatments
-         Hysterectomy
-         Hysteroscopic resection
-         Myomectomy.

Now a days many research round in the world not except Malaysia do for develop new technique for prevent fibroid but new treatments are being tried and some look promising.

The new treatments include:

(I.)               Myolysis
(II.)            Cryomyolysis
(III.)          Embolisation or Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)
(IV.)         Intrauterine System (IUS).

How much it Costs and Place for Treatments Fibroid in Public and Private

Public Hospital: 2000.00 MYR

Private Hospital: 6000.00 until 14,000.00 MYR

For more information, Please don’t hesitate to ask about your condition and problem in your pain if have anything symptoms about fibroid at any government and private hospital or clinic:

General Hospital of Kuala Lumpur (Tel.: +60 (03) 2615 5555)

Sungai Buloh Hospital (Tel.: +60 (03) 6145 4333)

University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) (Tel.: +60 (03) 7949 4422)

Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC) (Tel.: +60 (03) 5634 1212)

Sunway Medical Centre (SMC) (Tel.: +60 (03) 7491 9191)

Gleaneagles Intan Medical Centre (GIMC) (Tel.: +60 (03) 4257 1300)

Pantai Medical Centre (PMC) (Tel.: +60 (03) 2296 0888).

Friday, December 10, 2010

Food that High in Iron and Iodine...

Food that high in iron and iodine can enhance your cognitive performance.

Food rich in iron like:
- Liver
- Meat
- Poultry

High iodine food like:
- Sea Food
- Fish

When you eat food rich in iron and high in iodine, you also must eat fruit and vegetable for absorption of iron and iodine to your body.

High Fibre food like:
- Wholemeal
- Cereal or oats with juice or milk

Fibre can also decrease your body weight when your add high fibre food in your everyday cookery. Various studies found that high fibre food not only help reduce the risk of cancer, heart attack (MI) and high blood pressure (BP), but it makes us full and helps to reduce the calories of your consumed every day.

Gingko Biloba supplement its also good for your brain and smoothly of your blood flow. You also must drinks a lot of plain water and do the physical activity 2 or 3 times per week like jog, brisk walking or cycling.

Zygote Development: Cell Division and Implantation...

Zygote Development: Cell Division and Implantation consist:

i.)                  Cell Divisions
ii.)                Blastocyst
iii.)              Migration to Uterus
iv.)              Implantation

1.)   Ovulation, Egg secrete from the ovary
2.)   Day 1 – Fertilization occur when sperm penetrate to oocyte at fallopian tube.

3.)  Days 2 until 4 – Cell divisions takes place after sperm penetrate to oocyte and become zygote.
4.)   Day 4 until 5 – Blastocyst reaches at the uterus
5.)  Days 5 until 9 – Blastocyst implant to the uterus lining using the trophoblast enzyme for burrow the blastocyst for implantation.

RCSI & a Glance...

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), founded in 1784 respectively, are located in the vicinity of St. Stephen’s Green in the centre of Dublin city. 200 years of academic excellence in Medical Education, clinical and research. Penang Medical College (PMC) as a branch of the Medical School in Malaysia of the RCSI and UCD. RCSI and UCD are constituent colleges of the acclaimed National University of Ireland (NUI). Upon graduation students of both will be conferred with the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Bachelor of Art Obstetrics; MB BCh BAO (Hons.) degrees from NUI. The MB BCh BAO (Hons.) degrees are recognized by the Irish Medical Council (IMC), Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) and regulatory bodies throughout of the world. Graduates also receive the licentiates of Licentiate of Royal College of Physician & Surgeon in Ireland; LRCP & SI.